Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow from Seed this Spring

Sacramento, CA (PRWEB) February 20, 2013

Growing food is the most gratifying and rewarding act on the planet. Plus, starting food from seeds is easy, inexpensive and fun. But planning a garden can be daunting and many gardeners do not know where to start. That is where Farmer John comes in.

Planning a garden starts with choosing what you love to eat, says Farmer John Fendley of the Sustainable Seed Company. Your garden is the ultimate grocery store because its convenient and tailored to your taste. But there are a multitude of other benefits to gardening such as saving money, eating healthier food and burning calories.

Over 1,500 varieties of certified organic and heirloom seeds are available from Sustainable Seed. Farmer John suggests starting with these 10 simple seeds for beginners to have success in the garden:


Orignal From: 10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow from Seed this Spring

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