Thursday, April 11, 2013

PlanetWildlife's 2013 Calender of Events in the Natural World

Washington, D.C. (PRWEB) December 28, 2012 </p><p> PlanetWildlife, a leading provider of a wide range of wildlife travel and tours around the world, presents Wildlifes Hotspots for 2013a month-by-month directory of whats happening and whenand itinerary suggestions to inspire nature lovers to experience some of the seminal seasonal events of the natural world. </p>&#13;
<p>To explore all the ideas and options available, visit PlanetWildlifes Calendar presented on the website under Travel </p>&#13;
<p>We are now ready for the new travel season in 2013 with a unique and exciting range of newly designed trips like Discover Sri Lanka, which gives our travelers some amazing, unexplored, wilderness experiences in the island nation with a picturesque train journey. Interestingly enough, this train journey has been ranked sixth on the list of ten unique train trips of 2011!, Parveez Islam, manager of travel operations for PlanetWildlife, says.</p>&#13;
<p>The following events and trips are handpicked and crafted with the wildlife enthusiasts diverse tastes and traveling styles in mind. Our South Africa trips are great options for families looking for a nice blend of some family adventure and wildlife game experience,coupled with some fantastic driving routes and excursions, he says. </p>&#13;
<p>Veteran explorers will certainly enjoy discovering the uncharted wilderness of Botswana, or consider embarking upon a remarkable journey to the Arctic or Antarctica.</p>&#13;
<p>Explore the wildest parts of our world all year long with PlanetWildlifes calendar for 2013. </p>&#13;
<p>January - Galapagos Islands + Sri Lanka &#13;
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Orignal From: PlanetWildlife's 2013 Calender of Events in the Natural World

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