Sunday, April 7, 2013

Everyday Vitamin Adds Natures Way Elderberry Cold & Flu Homeopathic Products to Line Up for Winter Season

Brooklyn, NY (PRWEB) January 09, 2013 </p><p> Everyday Vitamin, a natural products company and online retailer of branded vitamins and dietary supplements, announced the addition of new homeopathic products, Natures Way Umcka Elderberry Intensive Cold &amp; Flu and Natures Way Black Elderberry .</p>&#13;
<p>People looking for natural ways to relieve cold or flu symptoms can turn to these products, said Wayne Xu, Vice President of Everyday Vitamin Nutrition LLC. Elderberry extract is very effective in relieving cold and flu symptoms, and warding off illnesses during the winter.</p>&#13;
<p>The elderberry fruit has a long history of being used in folk remedies throughout Europe and by the Native Americans. It is probably best known for the wine that can be made with the berries and it has long been believed that elderberry wine helps to relieve arthritis pain. In addition, the elderberry has been used since ancient times to treat fevers, flu and colds. Taken orally it relieves nasal congestion and reduces mucous membrane swelling. It has also long been recognized for its natural healing properties and as an effective treatment when applied directly to cuts and burns.</p>&#13;
<p>The elderberry fruit grows in clusters on a flowering elderberry bush. The berries of the bush are available in a variety of colors including black, blue and red. The red berries cannot be consumed because they are poisonous, however, the black elderberry is most commonly used to treat illnesses and for its health benefits. These berries are low on calories and high on nutrition. They provide Vitamin C, calcium, beta-carotene, and potassium. The elderberry bushes grow in North America, Africa and Europe. It is a plant that can adapt to different climate conditions and produces berries in the months of August and September. </p>&#13;
<p>In more modern times, the elderberry fruit is still used to treat respiratory illnesses. It relieves the symptoms of the flu, asthma and bronchitis because it helps to reduce congestion. In addition, it is believed that the elderberry prevents viruses from invading cells by attacking them. Another benefit is that they help to boost the immune system to protect you against diseases. In fact, drinking the juice of an elderberry on a daily basis is believed to help guard against infections caused by yeast, viruses or even bacteria. </p>&#13;
<p>In addition to fighting and preventing illness the elderberry has been found to have other health benefits. A study conducted by Dr. Michael Murkovic and Dr. Werner Pfannhauser at the University of Graz, Austria demonstrated that the elderberry may be able to lower cholesterol levels. This is because the elderberry extract actually lowers the density of the bad cholesterol which lowers the risk of stroke or heart attack. Another benefit of the elderberry is as an aid to weight loss. At least one study conducted at the University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany by C. Chrubasik and his associates showed that participants who drank elderberry juice daily were able to lose significant amounts of weight. </p>&#13;
<p>The elderberry can be consumed in several different ways. It can be made into a wine, brewed into a tea or juice, cooked into a syrup, as well as eaten as a fruit. It is believed to be useful as a laxative, a diuretic and an antioxidant. In fact, the antioxidant properties of the berry are believed to aid in promoting healthy skin and slowing down the aging process. Moreover, it is now possible to purchase elderberry supplements in capsule or extract form as well as lozenges.</p>&#13;
<p>In addition to Elderberry products, Everyday Vitamins offers other Natures Way cold and flu products including: Umcka Coldcare and Umcka Cough.</p>&#13;
<p>About Everyday Vitamin</p>&#13;
<p>Everyday Vitamin Nutrition LLC, is a natural health company based in Brooklyn, NY and online retailer that aims to promote nutrition and health through the sale of vitamins and supplement products, herbs and homeopathic remedies. These products include vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements, diet and weight loss teas that provide numerous health benefits that assist in weight loss management, exercise nutrition and improving overall health.</p>&#13;
<p>Everyday Vitamin carries hundreds of well-known, trusted brands such as Genesis Today, Life Extension, Natures Way, and Now, which have been proven safe and effective by solid scientific research.</p>&#13;
<p>Visit Everyday Vitamin at: for more information.</p>&#13;
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Orignal From: Everyday Vitamin Adds Natures Way Elderberry Cold &amp; Flu Homeopathic Products to Line Up for Winter Season

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